Consistency is one of the fundamentals of any business. NPS prides itself for delivering the same quality of service to all its customers. Partnering with our suppliers, we gathered some of the greatest minds from the field and the office to present a full day workshop for our trenchless sewer repair services.
Relining damaged sewer drains relies on a balancing act of carefully mixing chemicals taking into consideration strict ambient temperature, prep time and cure times. A simple miscalculation could be devastating. Time is of the essence in the relining space and our technicians need to rely on precision trained staff to meet the high demands of this sector. Experimentation is out of the question in this pressure cooker environment, so, how can we develop the skills of our workforce?
A relining training day was organised for the company. This brought our field veterans face to face with our supplier experts to discuss relining techniques, chemistry and common issues found on site. Staff with a range of skill levels in this area were able to contribute and participate on live examples of all our relining methods.
With the training day concluded, staff left with a more consistent approach to trenchless technology solutions. It strengthened relationships between junior staff and senior staff and likewise our senior staff with our supplier support network. This communication chain is vital to keep track of this innovative and complex market to always deliver to our customers with the best and uniform methodology.